Dear Kids,
I just came in from shoveling snow, about 10 inches of it, off our walk and driveway. I was happy to do it. I’m still delighted with every snowstorm we get. It blew in last night, just before my Christmas music open house, but people came anyway. The kids played their music, and sang (including James and Nora’s kids, who sang a cute song), and then they romped around and played with the cat while the grownups ate cookies and looked outside at the snowstorm. It was so totally Christmas, with the snow falling and the music playing. We’re going to do it every year.
And who is this cat they were playing with? Simba! The Hawkins’ cat! I think she’s supposed to be Bevan’s cat, but they can’t have her at the cabin, and Lloyd and Beverly have gone away for three weeks, so she’s here. She’s an African cat, and she loves to purr, talk to people, and lick their faces. And she’s obsessed with Lizzette. No kidding–we received a Christmas letter from Lizzette and Theral, with a picture of both of them, and Simba went crazy over the picture. She did starfish paws on Lizzette’s face, and licked it, and sat on the photo. Then she chewed the edges. When I put the picture on the counter, Simba jumped up and got it again. Maybe Lizzette reminds her of Trisha, Bevan’s sister, who brought her home from Africa. Who knows.
Christmas Eve, Dad and I will be going down to the Seville to visit Grandpa and Grandma, but we’ll be back at our house by about 7:30 pm, maybe sooner, for the hike to Ensign Peak. I know those of you with little kids probably can’t come on the hike, but if you want to hang out at our house anyway, we’ll probably have some Christmas Eve goodies. At least we’ll be having hot chocolate when we got back from the hike. I’m not sure of our plans for Christmas Day, but we’ll definitely be going to the cabin that night. And there will be great sledding on the 26th, with all this snow! Maybe Tom will have an igloo built by then! We’ll probably be eating in the early afternoon, when Dad’s cousins get there. Let me know if you want to bring something. I’m thinking of making sloppy jo’s. Who can believe Christmas is going to be over with so soon? Actually, it feels sort of over with already, with all the present unwrapping that went on Saturday night at Nora’s house. But at least Dad and I got to see the kids unwrap the presents we gave them! I vote we do it that way every year!
Since it feels like Christmas is practically over with, I’m making new year’s resolutions. This will be the best year yet! One of my resolutions is that I’m going to fix Sunday dinner on a regular schedule, probably the second Sunday of each month, and everybody is invited. I’ve been a slacker this year.
Dad and I wish you all the merriest of Christmases! Love, Mom