Dear Kids,
Dad and I have been trying to get fingerprinted so we can help with the South Summit High chess club, and we finally caught the nice district lady in her office Tuesday morning, with the machine there at the same time. She had the machine all set up, but it wasn’t working. Then Dad noticed that the cable wasn’t plugged into her laptop. So he plugged it in. It still wasn’t working, so I called Tom. (It turns out they share the machine with Wasatch). When I finally got Tom on the phone, the machine miraculously worked. Tom says that happens surprisingly often. Anyway, now our fingerprints are in the system, and this coming Friday I’m going to chess club. If they can use a second adult supervisor, I’ll persuade Dad to come, too.
I met with Fieldstone Homes Tuesday afternoon, but we didn’t accomplish much, because they didn’t have my file, they didn’t have the cabinet information from Chris and Dick’s, and they couldn’t pull up my house plans on their computer. Do we trust these guys to build a house for us? I went over everything again with them, choosing all the options, just like I did several weeks ago. Except that they hadn’t asked before what size air conditioner we wanted. I said, "We’re at 6600 feet. Can we put the money towards another option?" It turns out, if you want to downgrade something, you don’t get much credit. It’s only when you’re upgrading that things have any value. Still, we made some progress. They were supposed to call me in a day or two with the final price for the house, but I haven’t heard anything from them yet.
Dad and I have been walking around the track at the fitness center almost every day, and I’ve been intrigued by the climbing wall, since we’ve walked past it so many times. Saturday morning a family from our ward was climbing, and they’d just been certified. You can come any Saturday morning at 9:00 to be certified, and then you can climb from 10:00 to 2:00. So I’ll be there this coming Saturday morning. John’s family is coming, too. Does anybody else want to join us? It costs $2.50 to rent the harness, but John’s kids all have their own. You need athletic shoes, or the special ones they rent. I know I won’t be able to keep up with Aubrey, but I want to try, at least.
I’ll be cooking Sunday dinner on the 24th. Hopefully some of you can come.
Love, Mom