Dear Kids,
We sure had fun with everybody who came to the cabin for conference. Actually, there weren’t so many this time–Tom’s family, and Nora’s, and Donna and Bevan. But the food was good and the weather was nice and we all had a good time. The conference talks were good, too, like always.
Has everybody heard that Donna has a job? In landscape architecture! In fact, it’s the kind of job all the landscaping students hope to get someday. But the professors tell them that no matter how much they want to do residential design work, or maybe golf courses, they’ll really be doing sprinkling systems and other commercial work. But not Donna! She’ll be working for a small company called DCM Landscaping, located in the Silver Creek area. Her boss started up the company about 15 years ago, doing mostly yard maintenance, but then he downsized and shifted to residential design and new landscaping. Then he got behind on the design work, so he called the LA Department at Utah State and asked if they had any graduating seniors who lived in the Park City area. The nice secretary told him that their TOP graduate lived in Woodland, and she sent Donna to the interview. And of course he hired her on the spot. She gets to work part time, or full time, as she can, and she’ll get to use a company car to go inspect new sites. The boss warned her that she’d be outside a lot, and she said that was great. She said, “Just give me a trencher, and I’ll go at it.” But he said that wouldn’t be necessary. Donna has to learn Spanish, too, so she can communicate with the workers. (Dad said, “Will she be learning illegal Spanish?”) Now we’re all hoping it turns out as good as it sounds. Go, Donna! Just think how many of you are using your college degrees! (Not like Dad and me; we set a pretty bad example that way.)
Tom and Kim are forging ahead with their house hunting. I asked Mark Ulrich if he sometimes worked in the Heber area, and he said he certainly did, and he’d be delighted to help them. He said most of the houses in their hoped-for price range are gone in 24 hours, and it’s the over-300 houses that sit on the market. He said he would need to check the new listings every morning, and probably call Tom every day. I said that sounded good to me. Hopefully it will turn out well for Tom and Kim. I know Mark is obsessive about finding houses for people, especially when it’s a challenge to get exactly what they want, for the price they want to pay.
Dad and I have our plaque from CEU displayed on the buffet counter, in between the pictures of the grandchildren. Every time I look at it, I’m reminded that our family needs to do something for CEU. I’m thinking we should have an Ackerson Family scholarship, where we sponser one student each year. (John said it should be somebody will a GPA no higher than 3.6. Whatever.) Tuition is about $2,000 a year, and if each of you who went to CEU could contribute about $100, (or more, or less, depending on your circumstances. It’s a tax deduction, too.) Dad and I would make up the rest each year. What do you all think? I think we owe a lot to CEU. You just can’t calculate the value of getting your first two years of college practically free.
Sharon reports that Charlie put two beans up his nose, and she couldn’t get them out. (It reminded me of when Nora was 10, and she put a bean in her ear, and we had to go to the emergency room to have it taken out.) Sharon didn’t want to pay the $50 for the emergency room, and fortunately that have a great network of friends and medical students. Somebody knew somebody who was a ENT, and he met them at his office after hours, and took out the beans. No charge. I’m glad it turned out so well. You know how kids love to play in bowls of beans? Who would think they’d put them in their ears and noses!
Here’s an interesting bit of news: Andrea and Dan Hill are coming home from China, and he’s taking a job in St. George. I know it’s expensive to live there, but probably cheap compared to China. I’m sure we’ll be hearing more about it.
Spring is here! The cats are loving it. I am, too.
Love always, Mom