Dear Kids,
I knew there would be another chapter to the story of Oreo and the magpie, but I didn’t know it would be so strange. The widowed magpie has selected Oreo as his new mate (because he’s black and white, of course), and as the British would say, they’re “walking out together.” Sometimes Oreo walks ahead, with the magpie following, screeching, and sometimes Oreo follows the magpie, who is always still screeching. Sometimes Oreo stops to roll in the dirt, and the magpie watches him, screeching, of course. It’s a very noisy business. Dad has offered to “take care of” the magpie, but what would Oreo do for fun? What would I do for entertainment? I’m completely fascinated, watching this odd pair.
At the cabin, however, nobody has any sympathy for the magpies. Bevan has already collected two bounty payments. (It’s still $5.00 per bird, if you can show me the carcass.)
More excitement at the cabin: the spring flooding has threatened the bridge, and the whole area by the gate is under water. Donna has some great pictures on her blog. Two years ago, when the water was high, there were news trucks from a couple of the television stations there. Now the danger is much worse, but the news people are down in Sandy and Murray, taking pictures of Little Cottonwood Creek. There have been some wild thunderstorms that have added to the water flow, but luckily it was a little cooler yesterday, and the snowmelt has slowed down. I wish I were at the cabin, so I could have the fun of watching the river. But then, of course, I wouldn’t be watching Oreo and the magpie.
I’ll be cooking Sunday Dinner this coming Sunday, the 13th. We’ll be eating at 5:00 pm. Let me know if you’re going to be there!
Lots of love, Mom