Dear Kids,
First off, here’s the information about Meg’s baptism and McKay’s blessing: The baptism is Saturday at 10 a.m. at Troy and Kara’s church in Pocatello (their son Tyson is being baptized, too.) The address is 225 Oakwood Drive, in the older part of town. With GPS you’ll be fine. The after-party will be at Vanessa and Trent’s house. If you want a food assignment, call Vanessa. The baby blessing is Sunday at 12:50 pm at Nora and James’s church, 2050 North Main in Centerville. Nora said she’ll be calling around to invite people and see what you want to bring. If anybody wants to stay in Brigham City Saturday night, rather than drive all the way home and all the way back to Centerville the next day, Andy says you’re welcome. Just let him know. My siblings will be having a party there Saturday night, just by coincidence. I hope I can keep my food assignments straight.
Stefanie had her appointment with the neurologist on Thursday. According to a text Paul sent me, the doctor showed them the MRI and discussed how her Chiari isn’t severe enough for surgery. That’s good news and bad news, because when you have a medical problem, you always want something to be done about it. At any rate, Stefanie seems to be doing a little better. I’m in the same boat with my neck pain. It’s been off and on for several weeks now. I saw the neck doctor who did my surgery in 2000, and he sent me for an x-ray, nothing more. It didn’t show anything. But they never do, unless you’ve broken a bone or swallowed a paper clip. Since my neck pain isn’t getting any worse, he said to wait two or three months, and then if it’s still bugging me, I should have a MRI. So I’ll wait and hope it gets better.
Last Sunday night we had a reunion with our old study group–remember when we always went to study group one Sunday night a month? We were so regular, and we kept it going for nearly 30 years. But then we started to slack off, because everybody was so busy with their families and other things. When Mark Ulrich was made a bishop, we stopped totally. Now he and Laura have been called to Manchester, England, where he’ll be the mission president. So Diane Smith planned a farewell party, and we met at Spencer’s house in South Jordan. It was fun seeing everybody again, but of course there was way too much news to remember it all. Dad and I spent the night at Spencers, since my neck appointment was the next morning. We got to stay in Chris’s old bedroom, which is decorated really nicely now. That’s the first time we’ve stayed overnight in Salt Lake in more than a year, and my lungs didn’t like it at all. So I’ll have to plan more carefully in the future. But we sure had fun.
Love, as always, Mom