Dear Kids,
I’m sorry I didn’t come over to the barbecue at the cabin on Memorial Day–I really meant to. But I finally had a chance to totally finish the playground, and it was the first day in several weeks when the wind wasn’t blowing too hard, and it wasn’t raining. I was making a little fence of logs around the sand digger, to keep the sand separate from the bark. And it was going so well I couldn’t pull myself away. And I actually finished it! Now the sand digger has its own little area of sand, and the rest of the playground is covered in bark, which is a lot more practical. It doesn’t blow away like the sand did. And get tracked into the house. Of course some of the bark will get tossed into the sand by little hands, and vice versa, but overall it will be lots better.
Sharon’s family will be here two weeks from today. We’re really excited to see them all. Sharon pointed out that they haven’t been here in the summer for a long time–it must have been three years ago, because our house was being built. Now they’ll actually be able to play in our yard! And sleep in our basement!
Our Ackerson family reunion is coming up soon–July 7-9. (Or maybe it will run into Sunday, the 10th.) I’m sure Paul will be sending out the agenda pretty soon. It will be at Mantua campground. We’ll have our usual good time.
I’ve been moving things from our garage into the basement, and I’m unpacking boxes that have been stored for more than three years. Naturally, if you’ve totally forgotten that you own something, you don’t need it very much. So I’ve been hauling lots of things to the DI. But maybe I should give you kids dibbs on some of them. Like the leather-working tools; it seems like they would be good for scouts or cubs or webelos. Or my huge set of wedding cake pans–I have every possible shape and size. I know I’ll never make wedding cakes again, but it’s the world’s best collection! Or the tiered cake stand that we used for cupcakes at Monica’s wedding. Other things will come to light, and I’ll post them in my letters as they show up. Anyone outside our family who reads my blog is welcome to them, as well. ]
Life is great when you have such good stuff to give away. It means you have everything you need.
Lots of love, Mom