Dear Kids,
Anna’s baptism yesterday was very nice, and the after-party at John’s was great fun. It’s always lots of fun when our family gets together, and we always know the food will be good, and there will be plenty of it. So, speaking of parties, oops, I mean baptisms, Isaac’s will be next Saturday at 3 pm at Nora’s church, 2050 North Main in Centerville. It’s the same building where Paige and Stuart were baptized. I’m pretty sure the after-party will be at Nora’s, and you can contact her for a food assignment.
The Messiah in Heber will also be next weekend, on Saturday and Sunday nights at 7pm at Tom’s church. (It’s also John’s church now.) I really wish I were singing in it, but it wouldn’t have worked out. But we can go hear Tom and Bentley, and a lot of other wonderful singers. It looks like we’ll be going Sunday night, because of the baptism Saturday. There’s a before-party, actually a dinner, at Tom and Kim’s, and you can call Kim for a food assignment. There have been so many wonderful events lately, when Christmas comes along it will be just be one more great event. The Ackerson family Christmas party will be at Nora’s on Saturday, the 22nd , and I’ll have more details later. If you’re not sure who your kids are giving to, contact Nora.
Tina and the little cats are learning to tolerate each other. When I open the door into the garage at 6 am, they all run in together. Dad gives Tina her special canned cat food in the garage, and I give a little bit to Sonia and to Scout. They also get plenty of kitten chow, but they eat Tina’s adult formula cat food when they’re in the garage. Tina eats the kitten chow. Out little cats had their first vaccinations last Monday, and they’ll have boosters, plus their “operations,” on the 17th. Poor kitties, I hate for them to learn that life can be unpleasant.
A couple of weeks ago I started a new medication, symbalta, that’s supposed to be absolutely miraculous for people with nerve-end damage like mine. I was afraid it wouldn’t be miraculous for me, and so far, it hasn’t been. I appreciate our kind doctor trying every possible medication on me, but I guess this is just something I’ll have to suffer through. When they work out the guidelines for medical marijuana here in Utah I’ll certainly try it, but it probably won’t be miraculous, either. I’m sorry for complaining, and I really appreciate all your prayers for me.
Lots of love, Mom