Dear Kids,
I finally saw my oncologist this week. He’d been out of commission for more than two months, and they said he was only working half-days now. I asked him point blank if he had cancer and he said “Yes,” pancreatic cancer. Whoa! I’m just glad he’s back. I hope he stays alive and well for a while. I told him the whole ghastly tale of my chemo, but he knew most of from his notes from Dr. Thota. I asked him if he had any more tricks in his bag, and he said lots. He spent at least half an hour with us, telling me in minute detail what he wanted to try next. It was great understanding him! He thinks the best option now is for me to go on a gentler chemo–only one of the two drugs I had together last time. The gentler drug only causes diarrhea, mouth sores, and rashes, but not the terrible nausea. I might have to be on it for up to ten months, with a treatment every other week. I’ll be wearing the pump for two days and then going back to have it taken off. I’m willing to try it! It won’t cure me, but hopefully it will stop the tumors in my lungs from growing for a while. They have my first infusion scheduled for January 28. Naturally I still need your prayers! A miracle would be nice.
Scout is totally frustrated by all the snow, because he can’t find any mice. He usually goes out first thing in the morning, scouts around, comes back in, and then sleeps in the basement for the rest of the day. But this morning, he didn’t even head for the back door. Instead, he went to the coat closet and put his paws under the door. There are usually play mice in there, knocked underneath, and he wanted a look. I opened the door for him, and he looked in every corner. Nothing. So I got a play mouse from the kitchen drawer and tossed it to him. He spent the next hour knocking it all over the house, getting really vicious some of the time. Now I know how those poor outside mice get treated! I’ll be glad when he can go for the real thing again.
Dad and I are making progress at the cabin, but it’s a huge project. Yesterday John came and worked with Dad on the bathroom plumbing. Next Saturday they’ll tackle the water tank. Go, John! He’s as good as a licensed plumber. Our contractor’s son came and hung the rest of the doors, and he only needs to fix the air shaft over the fireplace now. Meanwhile, I’ve been making beds, unpacking boxes, putting books back on the shelves, and hanging things on the walls. It’s hard to remember where everything used to be. I haven’t even started on the kitchen, and the mouse turds are still plentiful under the sink. Maybe I should take Scout next time, and he can make sure there aren’t any live mice adding to the problem.
So much fun! January is going by fast this year.
Lots of love, Mom