Dear Kids,
I hope summer is going well for all of you. There’s no end to the adventures! Donna and Anna went to camp, and John towed his glider to Afton, Wyoming, to a fly-in, where he spent a full week. Dad looked up Vanessa on his phone and found out she was in Island Park. I’m sure that’s only the beginning of the fun you’re all having!
Our next book club will be July 9, and we’re reading The Sign of the Beaver by Elizabeth George Speare. I read it several years ago and really enjoyed it, but I’ll definitely be reading it again so I can answer the questions. It will be the sixteenth book we’ve read together. Thank you all for making book club such a success!
We’ll probably be having Super Sunday on July 23 or 30th, depending on what Vanessa’s plans are for her kids’ farewell/homecoming. I’ll let you know when it gets closer. Paul will be in charge.
Sonia is still totally crazy about tuna. While Dad is dishing it up, she dances around on her hind legs like a circus animal. When he puts it down, she gobbles like there’s no tomorrow. We keep wondering if she’ll get tired of the stuff, but so far it’s not happening.
Dad and I are totally immersed in summer projects. Dad spent more than two weeks on the cabin’s watering system, because all the things that can go wrong with plumbing, went wrong. He ended up getting a new manifold and new valves, and endless small parts, but finally it all worked, with no leaks. I’m glad it’s finally working, because we’re supposed to have warm sunny days for at least two more weeks, with no rain. Our bushes and shrubs at the cabin finally need our water. My summer project for now is pruning shrubs at our house, but I haven’t been able to do much this week because of chemo.
I’ve been having a lot of trouble breathing lately, but my oncologist couldn’t see what was causing it, when I saw him last Monday. He advised me to buy a pulse oximeter, the gadget they put on your finger in the doctor’s office to see if you have enough oxygen in your system. Naturally I ordered one off Amazon, and now Dad and I have fun checking our oxygen levels. Yesterday morning, when I was absolutely gasping for breath, my score was 100 percent. Dad, who breathes just fine, came in at 94. Crazy!
Too bad there’s nothing more exciting in our lives! But we love you all! Mom