Dear Kids,
I’m still sick, so this will be another short letter. I don’t know if this is my last sickness, or if I’ll be getting better, but I hope I’m going to recover because there are still a bunch of things I want to do.
Tonight is book club, and we’re talking about Sled Dog School. Since my voice is still gone, I’ll have to get someone else to read the questions. I have treats to throw out, and I don’t need a voice for that.
Two weeks from today is Emma’s farewell, which we’re combining with Super Sunday. Tom’s church is at 10:30 am. I’m sure he’ll be sending out a notice. Call Kim for a food assignment, if you want to. It will be a great event, and I’m sure Emma will be a wonderful missionary.
I had to have a tooth extracted last Tuesday, and I thought it was going to be terrible, like all my extractions have been, but Dr. Condie barely started working on it when he suddenly had it in his hand. It looked like the perfect icon of a tooth, and it even looked like it should have a smile on it. I’m getting fewer and fewer teeth in my mouth, but I probably won’t need them that much longer, anyway.
When your families come to visit, could you make sure they stay quiet? No running or shouting. Just tell them Grandma Christy is very sick and she can’t handle noise. I think they’ll catch on.
Maybe my letters will start getting longer, but there isn’t much to say when every day is the same.
Lots of love, Mom