Dear Kids,
We’re having the oddest weather here at the cabin. The leaves haven’t even turned, but we had snow a couple of days ago. The temperature was down in the teens. Meanwhile, the wildlife have gone crazy. Two moose were rampaging on the hill last Sunday. They honked and bellowed at each other and ripped up the sod we laid so carefully on the sledding trail. This morning, a mama moose and her calf walked by. Herds of deer are wandering around aimlessly. I’ve never seen so many small ones this late in the year. One fawn still has its spots. Why were they born so late in the season? How can they survive the winter?
The cold weather has reminded me that the cabin, which I love so much, is dependent on the wood stove, while the new house has two furnaces. Wednesday night while we were driving home from Salt Lake in a blizzard, I wished for the first time that we were going home to the new house. You can see it from the highway, with its porch lights blazing, and it called to me, "I have two furnaces, one up and one down, and you won’t be cold here!"
Meanwhile, Dad and I are still painting and putting up shelves and knobs and rods. Donna and Bevan have offered to help us move stuff on Friday, so I don’t know if there will still be work to do on Saturday, which was my original plan. Of course everybody is still welcome to come. We could even watch conference! And of course I’ll be making dinner on Sunday. Let me know if you’re going to eat with us!
Our chess club in Heber is still trying to get off the ground. We have one lady from New Jersey who comes every week now, and she plays really well. We’re hoping for more good people. Meanwhile, the chess club at the Harman Center is doing unbelievably well. We have 12 regular people, besides one man off on a mission. Our newest guy drives from his home 35 miles north of Wendover, more than 100 miles away. He says 100 miles is not too far to drive for a good game of chess.
We hope you’re all doin’ great and lovin’ it! We are. Love, Mom