Sunday, January 12, 2014

Dear Kids,

          We were supposed to have a major snowstorm, but it wimped out, like always around here. It was the same last year. Every time they predicted a big storm, we got an inch, at most. And that was at the cabin. Here at our house, it’s more like half an inch. And nothing where the wind blows it bare. I keep promising myself I won’t look at any more weather reports, but I keep doing it.

          Here’s a message from Heather Colby that she wanted us to pass on: "I am writing to ask for your faith to help Carly and Levi with some worries that they are experiencing. Their daughter, Hadley, has some developmental issues and doesn't seem to be responding to the therapies as they thought she would. You can read the details about it on Carly's blog: Our family is going to have a special prayer, just for them, tomorrow morning before we go to church, and then fast next Sunday (the 19th). We are asking our Heavenly Father to not only comfort them and help them to have hope, but that the doctors they are working with will be able to discover what Hadley needs to continue developing properly. If you would like to join in one or both of these, it would be much appreciated! I know that with the combined faith of our family, miracles can happen."

          I hope there can be a miracle for Hadley. I’m sure our prayers will help.

          Dad and I went to the fitness center on Friday to walk the track, and Dave Matheny was there timing his boys as they were running. Dave knew that we had moved, and that Nora’s living in the cabin now. I remembered telling Dave once that we would need to move if I ever wanted to teach piano again, and he had said he wanted his boys to learn how to play. So I told him I was all set up to teach again! (I have two students.) He wondered how you know if a child is ready for piano lessons, and I said, "Just ask him. See if he’s willing to practice every day." Enzo is seven now! (He’s the same age as Ali.) Where have the years gone? Anyway, if Enzo starts piano lessons, I hope he has the latin rhythm and the caucasian ambition, not the other way around. It should be interesting.

I saw a doctor at the U. Orthopedic center about my hand, and I’m having surgery on Feb. 24. It’s supposed to be an easy recovery. It will be nice hot having my finger curl up and lock at the worst possible times.

          I love you all! Remember Sunday dinner on Feb 2nd! Love, Mom