Dear Kids,
Super Sunday is today at John’s house at 4 pm. If you read his text, you know his grill is out of commission but his hot tub is ready to go. Bring whatever food you want. We still have never had a dinner with all desserts. (Or what if we had a dinner that was all vegetables–can you imagine?) Today will be our last Super Sunday until January, because of Thanksgiving and Christmas coming up.
But we can continue on with book club. Thanks, Nora, for last week’s discussion of “Toys Go Out.” Our next book is “Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing” by Judy Blume, chosen by Kim, and we’ll be discussing it on November 13.
Tonight is the first Messiah practice, continuing on through December 11, when we’ll put it on in Tom’s church. Our Sunday evenings during that time should be about the same, though. When Dad and I skip out to go to the practices, the party can continue on without us.
On Tuesday afternoon Dad and I had a wonderful hike on the Shingle Creek trail up on Mirror Lake highway. The weather was gorgeous, and the fall colors were fabulous: green pines, yellow aspens, blue sky, and a few reds here and there. We had a feeling it might be our last hike for the year, or at least the last one with bright autumn colors. Our first winter snowstorm hit yesterday afternoon, and it probably hit at some of your houses, too. Winter comes whether you’re ready or not, but at least our sprinklers are blown out. (Thanks, Bevan, for bringing the compressor!) Otherwise, the preparation for winter is all mental. I imagine myself in the bean bag chair by the window of the landing, with a good book in my lap. I can sure handle that!
My visit to the wound clinic last Monday went really well. When I showed them my new injury (on my arm) they pulled out some goopy gauze, laid a piece across it, and bandaged it. Since then it’s been itching a little bit, which is a good sign. Dad has to change the gauze and the bandages every two days, but he’s getting to be a pro at wound care. My other wound, in that most delicate of spots, is still giving me trouble, but Dr. Moffit said he has many more tricks in his bag. I hope one of them will finally work.
I hope you’re all doing great and loving life! Lots of love, Mom