Dear Kids,
Happy Mothers Day to all you beautiful daughters and daughters-in-law and honorary daughters of mine! I hope you all have a wonderful day. I really appreciate the tremendous job you’re doing raising your families, and I can tell you there isn’t anything more satisfying you will ever do. My greatest happiness comes from you children and grandchildren and any others I might get a chance to be a mother to.
Book club is today at 5 pm, here at our house, and we’re discussing Socks by Beverly Cleary. I was going to make some cat-shaped cookies for dessert, but my kitty cat cookie cutter was so tiny I decided to make a BT cake instead. I can’t even remember that last time I baked a cake. I was inspired by Andy’s birthday this week–he said Renae made him a BT cake, and that got me going on the idea.
Next Sunday is Ben Mair’s farewell. The meeting starts at noon at Nora’s church, and the after-party is at her house. You can call her for a food assignment. The Sunday after that, the 21st, is Super Sunday at Donna’s house, or wherever Donna decides to have it. I’ll have more information in my letter next week.
The gravel-spreading cabin work party will be June 10, starting at 9am. Bring any rakes you may have at home, because I don’t have enough. Donna’s arranging for the gravel to be dumped (4 truckloads full!) on the driveway and parking lot, and hopefully we won’t have to be raking it too far. Lunch will be provided by Dad and me at the Kamas Food Town deli, whatever you want to eat. We’ll foot the bill. If you aren’t part of the Ackerson family but you want to come and help us anyway, you’re more than welcome.
I have one more week of feeling good before I start chemo again. I went hiking on the Jordanelle Trail two or three times, but I was eager for a little bit more, so Dad and I drove up Highway 35 ( Wolf Creek canyon) yesterday. We didn’t get very far. There’s a trailhead called Nobletts at milepost 12, but beyond that the road’s still closed. We hiked about 100 yards on the Nobletts trail until we were stopped by a snowbank and a mini lake. Still, it was fun getting out.
The Provo River runs alongside Highway 35, and it was fun seeing the water so high. Hopefully our weather will stay cool so it won’t get any higher. Our cabin neighbors who are full-time are being advised to have 3 days’ worth of food and fuel and water, in case there’s trouble with the bridge. That rickety-looking bridge has been a worry for the last 20 years.
Luckily my life is relatively free of worry. I love you all! Mom