Dear Kids,
News flash! Donna and Bevan are having a baby in November! I had a feeling there was at least one more on the way! The baby is due November 20, half way between Bevan’s birthday and Anna’s. It’s also Allen’s birthday and Bonnie’s. (In a big family, you have to double up and even triple-up on the birthdays.)
Things are going pretty well with Dad. He had his catheter out on Monday, which gives him a lot more freedom, but it has caused him a lot of pain. Tuesday I was so distraught about him that I drank poison. No, I drank Roundup, which isn’t really a poison, according to Donna. But I didn’t know that. And I didn’t drink it on purpose. It was mixed with water in a jug, sitting next to my water bottle on the porch. I was hot and distracted and listening to "Anna Karenina," and I grabbed it and took a big gulp without thinking. I had another gulp in my mouth when I realized what it was, and I spit it out. I called 911 to get poison control, and while they were connecting me up, they said they were sending the ambulance just for a precaution. The nice man at poison control said it wouldn’t kill me, but it might cause stomach cramps and vomiting. I was supposed to drink 8 oz of water and wait. The nice Summit County paramedics showed up and took my vital signs, and chatted for a while. They said our yard was looking good. I told them I was dizzy and the side of my face was numb, but that didn’t matter. My vitals were OK. Later I had all the symptoms that poison control said I could expect, but it all turned out OK. Dad started feeling a little better, too, and since then, he has improved a little each day. Now he’s back to driving to the fitness center every morning, and then hanging out with the old guys in the deli at Food Town.
We enjoyed the shower for Stefanie at Nora’s house yesterday, and we missed those of you who couldn’t be there. The food was great, and the games (provided by Donna) were good, too. Thanks, Nora and Donna! After the shower, Dad and I went to the Centerville DI, probably the best DI anywhere. Nora and Kim and all their kids showed up there a while later! Who knew that the after-party would be at the DI?? We all found good stuff.
I love you all! Mom